Monthly Archive:: October 2014

Mac OS X Yosemite with UniBeast

There are many method to create the USB Installation for Mac OS X Yosemite this is one of them,The following guide is just USB Creation of Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10 (Build 14A389) with the help of UniBeast Application from Tonymacx86 which is pure vanilla …

How to Extract kernel from Pacifist

Pacifist is the one of the Best app on Macintosh Platform which can help us to know the installer package information or the script of any installer package.This supports not only Mac OS X .pkg package files, .dmg disk images but …

What’s new in Windows 10

After huge success of Windows 8 & 8.1 Microsoft has finally leaked his new update which is  Windows 10 Technical Preview, With this update Microsoft improve his Graphical User Interface which is little good and added new features in it. This …

OCSP consume more bandwidth

One think i have noticed after moving on to Mac OS X Mountain Lion and further newer ones,That my Internet consume more bandwidth which almost 50-100 GB a month which is quite weird to understand,So i started researching about it,which takes much time but after applying …