Hackintosh hardware information

Lots of people get confuse whether my hardware supports Hackintosh or not but now it is possible to know whether it is supported or not In fact i have suffered from many question like ” I have Intalled Mac OS X …

iMessage-fix with CLOVER

Requirements 1:- A working Hackintosh System 2:- An empty USB Flash drive at least 1 GB 3:- Clover Boot Loader There are two methods with USB drive & without USB drive With USB Flash drive Set up your USB drive Plug …

iMessage-FIX with Chameleon

< div dir=”ltr” style=”text-align: left;”> Ultimate solution for iMessage-fix with Chameleon Requirements 1:-A working Hackintosh System 2:-Chameleon Boot Loader {patched one} / CHIMERA 2.2.1 3:-FileNVRAM.dylib Download the specially patched version of Chameleon boot loader 2170 or later / CHIMERA 2.0.1 & …