Every new Hackintosh user must try this method before going to another method,This method is quite simple but more effective and fastest way for installation as compare DVD installation method because of USB is always having more Reading and writing speed.
Basic Requirement
1:- MAC installed System or VMWAR
2:- Installer image like iAtkos ML or niresh1249533
3:- USB Flash drive 8 GB
4:- Boot Loader Like Chimera or Chameleon
Before you going further make 30GB partition for MAC OS X
1:- Mount the installer dmg file by double clicking on it & Go to Disk Utility and
Format your Flash drive in to OS Extended (Journaled)
2:- Restore the Installer dmg to USB flash drive , it take 15-25 min
3:- Once you restore install chimera / Chameleon Boot Loader on your USB flash drive
4:- Restart you computer & Change your bios settings for your Hackintosh (see my older post)
5:- Set first boot device USB flash drive
6:- It should start loading. It can take around 10-20 minutes
If it gets stuck on loading (everything’s frozen) or there
is a red cross over an Apple Logo (or the loading circle)
Then restart your computer and use the Boot flag
For boot flag see (see my older post)
7:- You will get to the installation screen
8:- Choose you desire language and continue
9:- Go to Disk Utility and format the partition you made for
OS X into Mac OS X Journaled and name it “MAC” or
whatever you want
10:-After that, just close Disk Utility, and click on the
partition you just formatted
11:-Click on Customize and choose CAREFULLY what
drivers you want to install
12:-Click on Next and Install it.
It can take around 20-30 minutes, be patient
Once you successfully install restart your computer &
boot from HDD if you didn’t get the User account screen
or if you get “boot0″ error then boot from USB again
and install Latest Chimera/Chameleon boot Loader
on your MAC drive
13:-If you want to make Dual boot then install MAC first then install windows.
Once you successfully install windows
restart you computer and boot from USB flash drive
which you made for mac installation and choose your mac partition
& boot from it.Once you boot the mac then install
Latest Chimera /Chameleon boot Loader on you mac drive.
14:-In case of failure after installing windows just download
rboot cd from www.kext.com and restore your mac
Note :-Do not choose more than 1 option in Boot Loader, &Do; not choose ANY FAKESMC PLUGINS !