64 bit processor
Installer image like iAtkos ML or niresh12495
Blank DVD
Image burning tool like Nero & Power ISO
Before you going further make 30GB partition for MAC OS X
1 :-Burn the .iso image with the image burning tool
3 :-Change your bios for your Hackintosh (see my older post)
4 :-Set first boot device DVD-ROM
5 :-Put that DVD in the DVD-ROM & boot from DVD
6 :-It should start loading. It will take around 10-20 minutes
If it gets stuck on loading (everything’s frozen) or there
is a red cross over an Apple Logo (or the loading circle)
Then restart your computer and use the Boot flag
for boot flag see (see my older post)
7 :-You will get to the installation screen
8 :-Choose you desire language and continue
9 :-Go to Disk Utility and format the partition you made for
OS X into Mac OS X Journaled and name it “MAC” or whatever you want
10:-After that, just close Disk Utility, and click on the
partition you just formatted
11:-Click on Customize and choose CAREFULLY what
drivers you want to install
12:-Click on Next and Install it.
It can take around 20-30 minutes, be patient
Once you successfully install restart your computer &
boot from HDD if you didn’t get the User account screen
or if you get “boot0″ error then boot from DVD again
and install Latest Chimera/Chameleon boot Loader
on your MAC drive.
13:-If you want to make Dual boot then install MAC first then
nbsp;install windows.Once you successfully install windows
nbsp;install windows.Once you successfully install windows
restart you computer and boot from DVD which you
made for mac installation and choose your mac partition
& boot from it.Once you boot the mac then install
Latest Chimera /Chameleon boot Loader on you mac drive.
14:-In case of failure after installing windows just download
rboot cd from www.kext.com and restore your mac
Note :-Do not choose more than 1 option in Boot Loader &Do not choose ANY FAKESMC PLUGINS !