As we know Hackintosh is not simple it needs more efforts to install and troubleshoot with it but what if something went wrong in the installation or after the successful post installation of MAC OS X (most likely GRAPHICS kext and SOUND kext) and …
Everyone knows that apple has announced to move on to his PowerPC with intel processor in the year of 2005 at WWDC to increase the performance of Macintosh systems like Macbook,iMac What is DSMOS or DSMOS X exactly ?it is abbreviation …
Requirements 1:- A working Hackintosh System 2:- An empty USB Flash drive at least 1 GB 3:- Clover Boot Loader There are two methods with USB drive & without USB drive With USB Flash drive Set up your USB drive Plug …
< div dir=”ltr” style=”text-align: left;”> Ultimate solution for iMessage-fix with Chameleon Requirements 1:-A working Hackintosh System 2:-Chameleon Boot Loader {patched one} / CHIMERA 2.2.1 3:-FileNVRAM.dylib Download the specially patched version of Chameleon boot loader 2170 or later / CHIMERA 2.0.1 & …