What’s new in OS X Maverick’s

What’s new in OS X Maverick’s Apple has revealed the latest refresh of its desktop operating system OS X 10.9 mavericks 

with long-awaited features like Finder tabs and tags,Maps and much more

New features

Finder Tab:-Finder with multiple tabs open with full-screen.
Tags:- Add tags to documents, folders and your stuff so easily find what you’re 
           looking for without any trouble Instead, you can just browse by tag.
Multiple Display Enhancements
          :-Ability for desktop activity to be wirelessly beamed to a HDTV via an Apple TV box 
             and Airplay.
Battery Life Improvements
         :-Reduce CPU utilization in OS X 10.9 using App Nap technology 
Safari:-Easier access for bookmarks , better JavaScript performance, lower memory       
             usage, and other speed improvements like smooth and fast scrolling.
iCloud Keychain:-Save your passwords and sync them with your i devices
Maps:-Maps application where you can look up directions and send them straight to your 
iBooks and Newsstand:- It enabling you to read your favourite books and magazines on any Apple device