Woh…After waiting so long Microsoft has officially release Windows 10 we already had many release of Windows 10 such as Technical Preview and Insider Preview but this is the final release and it actually Free for every one who have License of Windows 7 ,Windows 8,Windows 8.1 and also Windows 10 Insider Preview users so without wasting a time i start with the tutorial
1:-Windows 7 and higher System
2:- ISO for Windows 10 (Download it from MSDN Or Google is your Friend)
3:-Daemon tools (If you are Windows 7 User)
How To Upgrade Windows 10 For Free
Well this method only Works on Windows 7 ,Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 Insider Preview,Also this allow you to get Windows 10 free for those who have Legit and Genuine License of Windows ,Similarly XP user won’t have Free update they mandatory to have Windows 7 and Higher and then only they are eligible for getting free up gradation
Procedure For Upgrading Windows 10 From Windows 7 and Higher
Step 1:-Make sure your Windows has been activated permanently to check (See image)
Step 2:-Get the latest Windows 10 .esd or ISO file [Currently Windows 10 10240]
Or Upgrade from Windows Update if and when is available —- Ref [answers.microsoft]
Step 3:- If you decide to Upgrade From ISO file you can either burn and install from Boot menu or
Simply open ISO file & click to setup exe file to star to Upgrade.Keep the internet on during upgrading.
Step 4. During Upgrading if and when you have been asked Installation or Activation key —–Simply select skip.
Step 5. After installation Done when you come to your Desktop you will be activated permanently wishfully stay like this without entering and keys.
Step 6. You can do Clean Installation only after you upgrade without upgrade your windows 10 will not activate for free it will ask or you need valid activation key which you need to buy from Microsoft
Version to Version up grade
Windows 7 Home = Windows 10 Home
Windows 7 Pro = Windows 10 Pro
Windows 7 Ultimate = Windows 10 Pro
Windows 8 Home = Windows 10 home
Windows 8 Single Language = Windows 10 Single Language
Windows 8.1 Home = Windows 10 home
Windows 8.1 Single Language = Windows 10 Single Language
Windows 8 .1 Pro = Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Insider Preview = Windows 10 Pro
Last Word
This time Microsoft gave us very good update as compare to other older release like windows 8 or windows 8.1 also it improves extraordinary GUI and better user experience so every Windows 7 or higher version user must try this update it,not because of its free to have but it have outstanding GUI which i love it.